What do Young Inspectors do?

The Young Inspectors’ job is to find out what young people, parents, carers and social workers think about the service and what could be changed to make the service better.
Sometimes it can take time to get views from everybody, but it is important that a good number of young people, parents and carers get a chance to say what they think.
How do they do it?
- Check what the government says service should provide.
- List the most important things that would make for an excellent service
- Write questions for children, foster carers and social workers to find out what is good
about the support offered at present and what should be improved
- Interview senior managers and key people who make decisions about services
- Consult with children, care leavers, foster carers and social workers using the prepared questionnaires

Make recommendations for change based on the feedback received in the interviews and consultation.