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Promise for Children in Care

What is the Camden Promise?

The Camden Promise is what children and young people in care have told us is most important to them.

It is a list of promises to children in care about things we will do to make sure that they are supported and enjoy a good life wherever they live.

What promises are in the Camden Promise?

The promises are about:

  • Being fit and healthy
  • Staying safe from harm
  • Having a good education and enjoying your life
  • Getting your views heard by adults and making a difference
  • Getting ready for independence

You can see the full Promise 

Or click on the titles below to see more details:

Corporate parenting guide – How Camden looks after you

Camden wants to ensure that our looked after children and young people have the best opportunities in life , regardless of whether they live in Camden or outside of the borough.

“We want to make sure that all our looked after children have the best start in life. We want them to be happy, healthy, safe and supported so that they can be successful in life”

Find out more about what is corporate parenting and how you can tell if Camden is a good corporate parent.

Corporate parenting guide for young people.